Sunday, June 2, 2013

Simulation Library Relase

Hello All,

I am officially announcing m impending alpha release of my C++ particle systems modelling library: SysMo. This library, as described before, utilizes advance generic programming and OOP techniques to allow for an extensible library that can be modified for nearly any simulation purpose. The simplicity and generic concept of this library, allows it to be utilized with other C++ libraries seamlessly.

The concept for the library originates from my recent introduction with entity relationship database diagrams. The library implements analogously the concepts of entities, attributes, and relationships but with respect to simulation rather than databasing. These concepts are found to be highly extensible, and can be utilized by developers looking to program:

-Theoretical/Scientific Modelling
-Real World Simulations
-Various Game types
-Data Management

I truly believe the limits to the applications of this library only exist within the developers imagination and ingenuity.

By utilizing generic programming concepts, developers can easily extend relationships to utilize their own, unique functions in any situation. I believe I will write a tutorial shortly on how to use the library, including how to add functions of your own to use with the library.

The library is currently not a final release, and is still in alpha stages. Entire programs can be built with the library, but many bugs and exceptions must be considered when writing those programs. There are also a few, processor heavy functions, that I would like to make more efficient in the future. To allow for a stronger focus on this library, so as to achieve a high level of polish in all aspects, I will put previously mentioned project ideas on hold to focus on making this library the best it can be. I truly believe this library has the potential to be very impactful and useful to many developers out there. So far, I have yet to be able to find another library like it.

I will also be spending my time programming more examples showing off the library and it's many potential uses. Right now I am using SFML for the graphical representation of simulations.

If anyone is interested in getting more information on the library, or would like to request a specific tutorial or example utilizing the library, just let me know in the comments.

The alpha release of the SysMo library will be uploaded to: later this week. An extremely simplistic example of a win32 program utilizing the library can be found in the portfolio section of my personal webpage: .

Until then,